Donnerstag, 23. Juni 2011

Unplugged Version of my new song "We saw them" on Soundcloud

So I tried the record function on soundcloud and recorded mein work inprogress song "We saw them" Don't expect too much, just a try :D

We saw them (unplugged) by Kyle Egret

Montag, 20. Juni 2011

New Song Project, and almost finished!

So as you might noticed I released finally "She Lost" on Soundcloud.
At the moment I'm working on my new Song "We saw them" and it's almost finished.
I did most of the recordings yesterday and today. Within the next days I will record the last part and some additional vocals. I hope to finish it this week

Furthermore I going to upload my latest photos on DeviantArt.

Samstag, 18. Juni 2011

New Song: "She Lost"

So here it is! "She Lost", on Soundcloud

She Lost by Kyle Egret

"She Lost" is finished

o it's finally finished. My Song "She Lost" is finished.
Last Days I had a problems with mastering because of too much clipping, but I finally finished it :)
I will post the links within the next hour

Samstag, 11. Juni 2011


Sorry for not posting in the last time, but I've been very busy. I will update more recently from now on.
So finally I finished the song "She Lost". I will upload it soon on my new Soundcloud account and youtube. Futhermore I wrote a few more songs which I will record soon too.