So after a long period of not posting anything (almost a month!) I will keep this blog and all my other websites more updated from now on. My goal is it to post something every day (I hope I can keep it up!)
In the last month I did a little bit of everything. I finished some design projects, drew some pictures, did photographs, worked out new guitar riffs and first and foremost I recorded a lot, including working on old projects and beginning new ones.
I already wrote that the Hot Chip Cover is almost finished, but now it's even more finished I think ;D Overall I did only small changes. Nevertheless I want to upload it first when one of my other projects are finished.
From my previous projects there is still the song "If", although, this is still the working title. It's too close to finish, and I'd say that 3/4 is complete, but I think the hardest part of this is the end. I hope I figure something out soon.
And then there is my other project which is also advanced. It's the duett "It's up to you" I wrote with a good friend of mine in Italia. Although it's a duett, I will record it by myself for now, hoping that someday I'm able to find the right duett voice. In this song I'm very happy with the guitar parts, but a few vocal parts aren't quite right or missing, I hope to manage it soon.
At last but not least there is one project I started long time a go.
Now it's just Instrumental, because I don't have any lyrics, but I hope to come up with some lyrics soon.
So, now that was big update for now. See you tomorrow!
->x Kyle Egret